Walking as if…
What would happen if you could actually walk into your future self? Walking “as if” it is already happening is an art and a skill. When you use your senses to “feel” yourself as if you already are that, your brain begins to act “as if” it is already happening, and you can actually feel the elevated emotions and the joy of experiencing it. What happens is that you feel as if you are the person you want to be and there’s no “wait” time.

You don’t have to wait to have that job you desire, or that dream house you want… all you have to do is plug yourself into the infinite field of possibilities, imagine yourself already having it from your heart, feel the gratitude of having it and wallah… you walk as if you already are who you want to be. There’s no wait time in the spiritual/mystical world.
Your brain doesn’t know the difference between having it or not, because your emotions become elevated and not only fills your heart with joy, but signals the brain to secrete good feeling chemicals, like serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins that help you feel good.
So, why wait to BE happy? Start now and walk “as if”.
It’s your life. Enjoy the journey. And remember to bring love into everything you do. Here’s to having a yummy delicious life!
-Shelley Whizin